Friday, October 14, 2011

Project Halloween Tree

A few weeks ago I decided I needed a Halloween tree on my front porch this year that I can hook up to my light timer to light up a dusk every day, why because it makes me happy that's why:) So here's what I did. I took an old small Christmas tree and 2 cans of black spray paint and went to town

Ta Da!!! Then I put some orange lights on it along with some cheap Halloween trinkets from Walmart and  trick or treat sign that I had from my own decorations
 Then I stuck in in one of my flower pots and filled it in with dirt and rocks so it wont blow over in the crazy saratoga springs wind and here is what it looks like on my front porch

 I just love how it turned out! It makes me happy, especially when I drive up at night and its all lit up and cute. I have also been working on another Halloween decoration with my cricket. I'll post it soon hopefully unless I get lazy and don't finish it which is a very good possibility:)


Monday, September 26, 2011

Remember that Laundry Room Re Do......

Yeah.... I didn't give up on it but it has just been going really really really slow! So far we have put up bead board, Painted, put up shelf's, hung a drying rack, bought a new 3 bin cloths hamper, bought new storage stuff, ect.  I can't wait to finally finish this room! Here is a sneak peek at a few things I have been working on....
 This is a little yarn letter I made that I saw on pintrist 

Recognize that Home Sweet Home print from the Bijou Market?
                       Here is a wood box I bought and painted striped and put my dryer sheets in

Love it , and it is sooo handy!  I also hung up my antique wash board I bought at a flee market way back when I lived in Cali.
                                                  and here is the new 3 bin laundry hamper
Perfect for my lights, whites, and darks! Makes doing laundry so much easier because I don't have to sort them anymore.  Here is a little tutorial of how I made the yarn letter. First I glued 2 cardboard letters together because I couldn't find one that was thick enough
                                  Then I painted them the same color of the yarn I was going to use

                                       Then just wrap and wrap and wrap and WRAP with yarn.

                                                                       and that's it my friend!

Elmers Glue Crackle Paint

Have you ever seen people crackle paint with Elmer's glue? I saw it on a blog and wanted to try it on this big mirror I bought for my bedroom last year. It has been hanging out in the garage all year and this summer I finally pulled it out to paint it. First thing I did was tape it off and spray paint it blue

When that was dry I painted on a thick layer of Elmer's glue. When it was not dry but tacky I painted on a layer of the green paint
Sure enough it started to crackle!
 So Fun! I decided to add some stain and wipe it off just because it drives me crazy when things look too new, I don't know why but then it looked like this
 Then I hung it on my wall in my bedroom right between my closet and bathroom
 Here it is up close
 Sorry the pictures are not that great but I really liked how it turned out and now I know a cheap way to crackle finish stuff.

Snickers Salad

Thought I would share a yummy recipe I made for our book club dessert this month. Its called Snickers salad and it is the perfect fall treat! Here is what you need to do
Cut up 6 Snickers bars into bite size pieces ( I never said this was healthy)
Mix 1/2 cup Powder Sugar, 8 Oz Cream Cheese, and 8 Oz Cool Whip till creamy
Chop 4-6 Granny Smith Apples in bite size pieces add to mixture and stir

Stir in cut up Snickers and sprinkle a few on the top of the mixture, Enjoy!
Its like a delicious creamy caramel apple, So go try it, its good I promise:)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


You know whats awkward, trying to explain what the book "The Help" is all about to your black visiting teacher....very awkward

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My BCB's

What does that stand for.... My Book Club Bitches of course! We are not your average book club. I Love getting together with these ladies once a month for some good ol fashion fun:) We always have a blast even if we only talk about the book for oh I don't know, 10 seconds and then its on to eating yummy food, telling funny stories, laughing hysterically and some times putting people with the mouths of a sailor to shame. If people could hear some of our conversations they may be a little shocked to say the least but that is what I love the mostest! Yes the mostest, I didn't miss spell that on accident :) The month of  May book club was at my house and here are a few pic.s from the end of the night 
 Top Row:Amanda, Jeanette, Me Bottom: Cheryl, Nichole & Evie, Dari & Owen
I really love this one because cute lil Jeanette is doing an awesome pose from the movie Bridesmaids
If you haven't seen it, Go! Its seriously the best movie ever! I think I was trying to do it too but didn't get the one winking eye on time ha ha. We were missing Brittney, Whitney, and Kim that night, its always so fun when all of us are there though. We just had our June session up in Salt Lake with the lovley Cheryl as our host. We had it outside at a park by a streem and it was such a pretty night. After we all headed over to the Gateway for some shopping. Gap had an awesome sale, 50% more off clearance items SCORE! I picked up 3 shirts for $28.00, I love a good deal!
I was just looking through my files and found a picture of the set up I did for the last one I did at my house
I have no idea where the pictures of us here are though haha, must be on someone Else's camera. Looking forward to our next meeting at the cheese cake factory on July 19th, we are reading the book "The Help" which reminds me, I gotta go down load it! Happy Reading!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Where the heck have I been?

Well I'll tell ya, May was pretty much a blur to me. Work was absolutely insane and crazy with proms, Mothers Day, Memorial Day, Weddings, ect. ect. ect. One of my paychecks from a two week pay period was 95 hours and that made me feel better for being so freaking tired! On top of all of that we have had lots of family in town and nieces birthday parties, oh and I turned 28!!! Yeah not sure how I feel about getting older but I guess I have no choice in that matter:) I did go out to dinner and a movie with my girlfriends for it though here are some pictures from dinner
                     Brittney (and her cheese balls), Jeanette, and Cheryl
    Dari, Me, and Amanda
      Oh and they sang Brazilian happy birthday because we were at a Brazilian steak house and they made me play a tambourine while they wasn't pretty. I can't believe I am going to post this picture but I can't help but laugh and share it because I look like Chris Farley hahahaha
                              and here are the girls laughing at me
over all I had a great birthday and was way too spoiled! James bought me a pink cricut machine with cartridges and scrapbook paper, a sweet i tunes gift card and a NICE shopping trip for some new cloths and such, which was my favorite of all:) I am looking forward to creating awesome stuff with the cricut as soon as I learn all about the dang machine, my boss bought me a bunch of stuff for it and the program sure cuts a lot which is amazing but again I need to learn how to use it.  Oh and James made me this cute birthday cake
I just like the fact that he actually took the time to go to the store and get all the stuff and bake and decorate it for me. Now that's love right there!  Oh ya, I almost forgot, right before my month of craziness We got a new car. James car was having problems again so we decided to get rid of it and buy this little baby which I refer to as my "Mom" car
 I refer to it as this because it would fit 2 kids nicely and all the crap that goes along with them in the back, also because it is my first marriage car. When we got married we both came in with our cars we had when we were single and dating until now. Oh and the 100 thousand mile warranty wasn't too shabby either;) 
    On the home front the tulips are gone and the peony's are out and they are sooo pretty.
Have to be one of my favorite flowers ever! I hope next year they come up bigger and better, fingers crossed.
Well that's all I have time for at the moment but I have another post from my book club that also happened in May that I will post next time, so stay tuned!